Boram selca 110722

Boram’s rare selca on Twitter.

Boram Twitter selca

좋아서 웃는게 아니라 졸려서 웃는다

SoYeon bridal selca

SoYeon with white dress and a tiara. Twitter update on 110722.

T-ara Joyeon bride selca

누구의 신부일까아아아용? 헤에♥

HwaYoung forehead selca

HwaYoung’s Twitpics on 110722. Looks a bit like SoYeon in first picture.

T-ara HwaYoung forehead selca

[Read more…]

HwaYoung sleeping beauty

Hwayoung’s 110719 Twitter update.

T-ara Hwayoung Twitter update


Jiyeon funny face selca

Jiyeon’s Twitter update on 110719.

Jiyeon funny face selcaJiyeon funny face selca
