SoYeon twitted a teaser pic from T-ara’s Tony Moly endorsement.
으헤에 화장품광고 찍던중 >ㅅ<*
Tiara news, pics & videos
Soyeon taking a break (from a magazine photoshoot if not mistaken).
잡지촬영스케쥴♥” 아오 피곤해~ 돗자리깔고 누어버료따>ㅅ< 풉 *
Hyomin’s Twitter update on 110816. She seems happy with her flat belly in the selca, which makes her looks good in short pants in summer.
Hwayoung’s Twitter update on 110814, with an evil bunny ring.
오늘도~맴맴맴~~매미가울어요 곧 가을이오려나봐요~히히 내가좋아하는가을날씨..ㅎㅎ
Qri’s Twitter update on 110814, from her bedroom.
여기는 숙소 내 방!!!ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 오늘 밤엔 무슨 일을 할까 오늘 밤엔 *$#를 할까♪ㅋㅋㅋ
Loose translation: My room here in the dormitory!!!ㅋㅋㅋㅋ What are you doing tonight? * $ # ♪ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ