Hyomin and her BFF Sunny (of Girls’ Generation) at the Gyeongju Hallyu Dream Concert on 111003. The two became close after starring in reality TV show Invincible Youth in 2010.
Credits: BabyQ@sosiz & Snsdpics
Tiara news, pics & videos
Hyomin and her BFF Sunny (of Girls’ Generation) at the Gyeongju Hallyu Dream Concert on 111003. The two became close after starring in reality TV show Invincible Youth in 2010.
Credits: BabyQ@sosiz & Snsdpics
Eunjung focused fantaken photos from a LG sponsored concet on 110403, same event from Jiyeon’s photoset.
Jiyeon focused photos from a LG event on 110403 which looks pretty cool. The outfit was for Why Are You Being Like This performance.
[Fancams] T-ara performing Roly Poly and Why Are You Being Like This at Misari Icon Concert on 110730.
Credits: 091002 & MoGi1110