Japanese Yayaya concept photos

Concept pics for T-ara’s 2nd Japanese single, YaYaYa, which will be released on November 30th. Hope they’ll repeat the success of Bo Beep Bo Beep.

'T-ara YaYaYa Japanese single

'T-ara YaYaYa Japanese single

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Jiyeon tells followers to dress warmly

Jiyeon’s Twitter update on 111012, reminding her followers to dress warm as the weather is getting colder. How sweet ^.^

T-ara Jiyeon weather is coldT-ara Jiyeon please dress warmly

날씨가점점추워지네요 !감기조심하시고옷따듯하게입구다니세요~!

Hwayoung straight hair selca

Hwayoung with her straight hair. Twitter update on 111012.

T-ara Hwayoung straight hair selcaT-ara Hwayoung straight hair selcaT-ara Hwayoung straight hair selca

으아아~~~덜덜덜덜~오늘도 우리차는 빠르게달리는구나 아자아자~!!

Loose translation: Aah ~ ~ ~ Vibrating vibrating ~ today we’re running a fast car, Hip hip ~!!

Hyomin foodie selca 111012

Hyomin’s selca on 111012, chewing a piece of laver. Having a nice meal?

T-ara Hyomin October 2011 selca

Korea Serious Game Festival 2011

T-ara members as special guests at the Serious Game Festival on 111007. The event is a conference for educational video games development.

T-ara Soyeon Korea Serious Game Festival

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