T-ara Cry Cry MV (full drama version)

Finally, it’s here. Music-movie-video of Cry Cry, starring Jiyeon, Cha Seung-won and Ji Chang-wook (+Hyomin cameo).

There’s also a 30-seconds preview of Lovey Dovey in the end.


Eunjung Queen Insoo teaser images

A few photos of Eunjung from the filming set of historical drama series, Queen Insoo. Eunjung is playing the young version of lead actress Chae Shi-ra.

T-ara Eunjung Queen Insoo

T-ara Eunjung Queen Insoo

T-ara Eunjung Queen Insoo

Credit: 러브라브라브@T-arafan

Cry Cry – Black Eye concept photos

Black & white teaser pics for Tara Cry Cry – The Fourth Album Black Eyes.

T-ara Cry Cry Black Eye album

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2012 Japan calendar

Teaser pictures of T-ara’s 2012 calendar, Japanese version.

T-ara 2012 Japan calendar

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Soyeon selca 111102

T-ara Soyeon November selcaT-ara Soyeon November selca

날씨가 조쿠나아아아 ♥ 화창한 겨울날이구운 >ㅅ<" 무엇을 할까나아~?

Translation by @diademtweets: The weather’s so niceee ♥ It’s a clear winter day >ㅅ<" What should I do~?