Jiyeon’s Twitter update with Boram.
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Jiyeon’s Twitter update with Boram.
착한보람언니괴롭히기 하나 둘
Hyomin couldn’t fall asleep at night.
다이어리다쓰구 그래도 잠이안와서 혼자 스탠드앞에서~ 흠.. 이제 경련올라한다 얼른자야지~~~ 모두 이불 꽁꽁 싸매구 주무세여
Translation by @diademtweets: Wrote in my diary and I still couldn’t fall asleep so I’m by the lamp doing this~ hm.. starting to get a cramp now, should hurry up and sleep~~~ Everyone tuck in your blankets tight and sleep
Hwayoung’s Twitter update on 111025.
나에겐 좋은일들과 좋은사람들만있다 난 세상에서제일 운좋은사람이다. 내가사랑하는 9명의천사들에게도 좋은일들만 일어나길~^^
Translation by @diademtweets: For me, there have only been good events and good people. I’m the luckiest person in the world. I hope only good things will come to the 9 angels I love~^^