T-ara performed for Korean Air Force

T-ara’s photos from a special performance for the Korean Air Force in January.

T-ara Korean Air Force

T-ara Korean Air Force

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Qri cold selca

Qri’s Twitpic on 120203. Winter days.

Qri cold selca

Loose translation: Arwww… it’s so cold.

Dream High 2 highlights

Teaser video of Dream High 2, starring T-ara’s Jiyeon and other Korean idols.

Update: video removed.

Lovey Dovey in Tokyo music video

Another version of Lovey Dovey, love the remix. The girls seem to really enjoy themselves when making this video in Japan.

Credit: Loenent

Love Dovey Music Core 120114

T-ara’s Lovey Dovey performance on MBC Music Core on 120114.

Credit: MBCkpop